Sunday, August 23, 2009

Finally Fish Caught

Carol got the keys to some private water on Sarvis Creek and we went down to check it out.

She just walked and balanced her check book, while I fished, caught a couple of nice rainbows right away and the walked along the creek checking out the water. By the way I missed more than I caught.

A very beautiful location and so peaceful. Caught a couple more as I worked the creek, but then the fishing just turned off. No insects or fish rising, and a thunderstorm moving in made up pack up and head home. However, saw a couple of deep runs that just called for dragging a streamer through it with a midge dropper. Think there may be some big fish in those holes. Still got the keys.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad yo caught some fish - be sure to take pictures of the bi8g ones! What's the time frame on the postal duties -- how's the brother in law doing?
